The journal “Vie et Sciences de l'Entreprise” (VSE) was ranked FNEGE “Emerging journal” in 2019. It is now ranked FNGE 4 since 2022.
Vie et Sciences de l'Entreprise
Welcome to the “Vie & Sciences de l'Entreprise” website. Until spring 2010, VSE was published under the title “Vie & Sciences Économiques”. VSE has been published by the Association Nationale des Docteurs en Sciences Économiques et en Sciences de Gestion since 1960.
The organization of university research by academic discipline has promoted strong specialization to the detriment of transversality. We aim to provide our readership with a balance of articles dealing with management sciences and economics.
Vie & Sciences de l'Entreprise is listed in the Econlit Expanded Journal List.
VSE claims an ethical approach as an organization involved in its scientific community. As such, it applies the “European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity” to its own processes. Each author wishing to submit an article to the VSE scientific journal undertakes to scrupulously respect this ethical charter. The editorial board reserves the right to refuse scientific contributions that do not comply with the values set out in this ethical charter. The ethical charter “European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity” is available via the following link:
VSE is currently referenced by the American databases EBSCO (Sales and Management french version)
as well as by the main French-speaking journals database CAIRN:
ISSN: 2262-5321
e-ISSN: 2262-5372 (Electronic version)
To subscribe to VSE, please fill in this VSE membership form: